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Sure Signs Of A Wonderful Destination

September 10, 2018 11:38 am    |    by Jonny Blair

Travelling is one of those experiences where no two days are quite the same. This is actually one of its great advantages and joys, and it would be a much lesser experience if you found that travelling was always the same as how it was before. Part of the reason for why it can vary so much is of course because of the range of different destinations which you can visit. Even if you spend all of your time travelling, it is highly likely that there will always be yet somewhere else that you can go and visit, and this is part of the great joy of seeing the world in all its glory. Every now and then, however, you come across a particular destination which blows you away especially. When that happens, it is usually a particularly special experience, and one which you are bound to want to replicate. Let’s take a look at some of the signs of a destination that you truly enjoy greatly and would want to visit again sometime soon.

Sure Signs Of A Wonderful Destination

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You Enjoy The Company Of The People

Something that is always going to be hugely important when it comes to whether or not you enjoy a particular destination is what the people are like, and whether or not you actually enjoy being around them. If you do, you will find that you are able to spend much more time there, and much more happily, than if you do not, and this is something which you need to consider when you are looking into destinations and whether they are suitable for you or not. Truth be told, if you find yourself in a place where you seem to get on with most of the people, that is a sure sign that it’s the kind of destination for you. Of course, you are never going to be able to be comfortable with every single person, but if you can get on with most of them you will find that this is usually sufficient for really enjoying a place.

You Feel Relaxed

You probably want to go on holiday to relax, but the truth of travelling is that it is rarely as relaxing as you would like it to be. For that reason, when you do come across somewhere which makes you feel genuinely relaxed, that is bound to be a very strong sign that you could spend a lot more time there than you might think. If you are uptight and stressed, conversely, then it is one of the quickest indicators that you should probably think about going elsewhere. The more relaxed you feel, the more time you will be able to spend there, so this is definitely one of the main things to watch out for on the whole. Sometimes, this sense of relaxation occurs the moment you step foot in a place, and when that happens it is something you absolutely don’t want to ignore, as that is an indicator of a very good place to be indeed.

Sure Signs Of A Wonderful Destination

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The Weather Is Perfect

The typical image of travelling or vacations is sun and sand. But not everyone is into that, and if you are more of a snow-covered mountain top kind of person, you will appreciate the truth of this. Whatever your own kind of ideal weather is, you should be on the lookout for this in your chosen destination. If you can find it there, then this is definitely going to be the kind of thing that really solidifies your enjoyment of the place. It might be that you want to be somewhere very cold, and you could find yourself in the Nordics feeling very happy about your decision indeed. Or maybe you want the traditional sunny climes, and there’s nothing wrong with that either – so you find yourself in California or Australia. In any case, it’s a good sign of a place when you personally enjoy the kind of temperature and precipitation they generally tend to have there.

Sure Signs Of A Wonderful Destination

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You Could Live There

Have you ever had the feeling of being in a new place, and suddenly getting the very strong impression that you could happily live there? This is an almost eerie feeling, and one which is hard to shrug off, but when it happens you know it for sure. Feeling this way about a destination of any kind in any place is one of the strongest signs that it is a place you should spend a lot of your time in. Very rarely it might turn out that you were incorrect, and actually it’s not somewhere that you would be happy living. But more often than not, the opposite is the case, and you spend more and more time there and become only more convinced that it is the town, city or country for you. If you do get this feeling in any destination you visit, you might even want to explore it further by finding a penthouse with good view, or some kind of relatively stable accommodation, and see if you can stick it out. Who knows – it might even be that one day you fully migrated there.

It Is Calm

We have looked into the sensation of being relaxed in a new destination, but the feeling of calm that can come over you is somewhat different, and altogether more powerful. If you have experienced it, you will know, for it is more a feeling that comes from within, and one which feels so resolute that you wouldn’t be surprised if nothing could stop it. Having this sense of calm when you enter or have spent time in a new place is often likely to be a reliable indicator of somewhere you should spend a lot of your time. After all, life is much more complete if you are able to feel calm where you are, so why not just go where you already feel that way? If you have ever been somewhere where you feel like that automatically, then you will know that it is a feeling you probably want to replicate. This calm should be taken as a good sign of somewhere that it is a fine place to spend your time.

Sure Signs Of A Wonderful Destination

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It’s Fun

After all, what is the point of living if not to enjoy yourself as much as possible? Some places are calming and interesting and so on, but seem to lack a particular kind of enjoyment – while others are possibly lacking in those other areas, but are incredibly fun to be in. if you ever find yourself somewhere that is hugely fun to be in, it might well be so intoxicating that you never want to leave. Of course, this fun is a hugely positive sign, but only if you are also in a place which has many other good qualities. Fun alone can be something that fades from a place, but if it is compounded by other qualities, then it is absolutely something that you will want to celebrate. Ultimately, if you are not able to have fun in a place, then that is not a good sign of that place. Of course, the proviso here is that everyone has their own idea of fun, so it is up to you to decide whether or not a particular place is fun for you. If it is,perhaps think about sticking around.

Sure Signs Of A Wonderful Destination

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It’s Flexible

Some places seem to be very stuck in their ways; it’s not hard to see how a place might end up being so rigid. Usually these are places of great history which have not quite caught up with the modern world, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. But it is highly likely that you will have much more of a good time and feel much more at home and relaxed in a place which is relatively flexible in terms of how it treats its people. The flexibility of a place is usually an indicator of how open and liberal the people are, and although not everyone looks for this, it is almost always a beneficial thing for someone who happens to be a tourist in that place, so it is something to watch out for. Flexibility is something to be admired and respected, as if nothing else it means that you as a visitor will be easily welcomed and accepted.

It Has A Rich History

Of course, that doesn’t mean that a place with no history is likely to be very interesting, and in many respects the best destinations do tend to have a long and rich history which you can easily see as you walk around it. If you want truly old places, like Rome and Egypt and so on, you will see its history etched in every piece of architecture and every wall and so on. But maybe this isn’t for you, and you are happy with the somewhat all over the place nature of a city like London, which has old and new side by side. In any case, make sure that you are happy with the level of history in the destination, and if you are that is a strong positive indicator that it is the kind of place for you.

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